Saturday, August 17, 2019

DNR the fair.

When I was a little kid, seven years old, I saw this concert pool at the fair.  It was magical with ducks, geese and swans in the small pool.  It is still there today and they didn’t have turtles this year.  The waterfowl all have their wings clipped so they can’t fly away.

1 comment:

Laurel Wood said...

Good Afternoon, Pretty photos and a sweet memory from childhood. When I re-visit places from my childhood, they seem smaller to me than in my memory!
Thanks for visiting my post about the marbling artist. I wish you and Della could have visited there with us. The husband makes all the pottery and she does the marbling. They have a new baby girl. They live above the studio and have a pretty garden outside with lots of zinnias and butterflies.

Moon is Hiding....

  I wanted to get a shot of the moon before it shrunk is size too much. I instead found this puffy grouping of clouds really creating a funn...