Saturday, September 14, 2019

Man, not on the moon......

I had a clear view of the moon last night. My results were good.  It was perfectly round so I picked a composition of having the moon in the corner.  I just thought it looked better hanging in the corner rather than it being a spot in the middle.  I should have found a star trek ship and photo shopped it into the picture.


Jeevan said...

I too shot the full moon last night and i need to post it too! You got a inspiring shot on moon... mine weren't such clear as i captured in point and shoot camera.

Laurel Wood said...

I love this moon shot. When I take the dog out late, I always enjoy looking up at the moon. We are far enough from Atlanta, that the sky is really clear here and there are no street lights etc. to mess up the view!

Mourning Dove...