Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Mile Long Bridge.....Saylorville Lake.

Water had been held back twice.  Early spring the water was high as the underside of the t-shapes.  It was helping to prevent flooding on the Des Moines River.  As large amounts of water was released another heavy rainy season took place and the lake was filled to the brim again.  The overflow area had a three foot extension added so the lake could hold back more water.  Yesterday I was able to drive down to the boat ramp area and take photos.  I had my new cell phone with me and it took great bridge pictures.  I couldn’t zoom in on the pelicans from the north.


Jeevan said...

Your new phone took nice snaps on the lake.

Laurel Wood said...

Good pics with the new phone. It has been too hot for me to take J fishing. Looking forward to cooler weather. Karen has had jacket weather the last few mornings.

Spring View....

 I took the shot of the birdhouse on the pole but I got a picture of a tree instead. When the leaves form we never see the birdhouse.