Thursday, December 5, 2019

It's a Start.....

It is a beginning of the placement of ornaments. Three boxes later it is getting to look better than this. The visual will be better, though I did find one more box of smaller ornaments to go onto this tree. We both like the decorating of trees but we are pacing ourselves as it can't be done all in one day. I have not started with the two glass blown ornaments collection. 


Laurel Wood said...

My late mother had several Christmas trees. We would take our time and enjoy decorating each one. I love the glow from the Christmas tree lights.

claude said...

Yes ! Wonderful Christimas time is on the road.


 It’s a plant that takes care of itself. I plant small sprigs of it and look at it now. I also see the weeds but I don’t stay home long enou...