Thursday, May 14, 2020

Jack in the Pulpit........

There are two of them among the lily of the valley.  The workmen did tramp them down last year at this time but they seem to be back. I think they appear to be smaller than last year but the ground is dry.  They do blend in easily so I have to stop and look carefully to see them among all the green colors. 

As a kid on the farm in southern Iowa, I would look for them in the spring in our timber along the creek. They were very natural and were really from the earlier years of Iowa before settlers in the country moved in crowding out the Indians.


claude said...

Very greeny and beautiful, Larry !
Very cute the young sparrow !

Laurel Wood said...

I love these photos and have never seen this plant growing here. Have a nice Friday. Mildred

Jeevan said...

They look fresh and green!


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...