Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sunday Morning.....

Inside blooms are great as you can see them up close, better than at a distance. The new weed eater is still not my favorite machine but I did manage to chop off a peony stem with a bud on it.  I wasn't sure that it was going to bloom but it sure did.

I have some iris laying on the ground down there and I will go cut them and bring them this morning. Many things are going on out there today. My one neighbor is staking his tomato plants and the other neighbor is digging a hole for a swimming pool.  Everyone is out there watching including the dog and two grandpas.  The dad is bossing and one of the men is using the back hoe to further shape the hole for the new pool.

1 comment:

Laurel Wood said...

I am happy the peony bloomed! The flowers sure add a cheerful touch to your room. Our neighbors little kids are playing in a "kiddie" pool today and their squeals of laughter are a delight to hear!

Color Blends.....

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