Monday, November 2, 2020


 The young couple up the street two house has a lot of young children. At Halloween their house gets invaded by lots of spiders. They are on the garage and second story roof. Here it is crawling up the railing.  I see that there are smaller ones that are hanging on the spider web.


Laurel Wood said...

Very fun decorations. I rode around over the weekend and saw lots of houses and yards decorated for Halloween,

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Yikes ! Great decorations :)

A Brit in Tennessee said...

BTW: I have tried visiting your other blog Larry, and a warning comes on the screen that it is a dangerous site, with Phishing, have you been hacked ?
Hope not.

Jeevan said...

Your neighbor had come up with a great scaring idea, and I hope it works well! Happy Halloween

Early Cold Morning....

 It is too cold to go out and get a better shot. The candid everyday shot out of the window shows the sun rising but it won't warm the e...