Saturday, December 26, 2020

Santa Fashion Show....


I watched part of a show about how Santa was brought forth as a super figure.  The original Saint Nick was a wonderful, kind and giving person. When Coca-Cola made him into a standard trademark for the pop he was internationalized into something complete off the original St.Nick.

We have a few ornaments with Santa on them but we do stay away from it being a dominate theme for the season. Then I came across this Santa with its over the top design and decoration. The robe is decorated beautifully with its gold cords The side pouch is highly decorated with a tassel of cord and beads. The teddy bear in his top pocket is cute. Even his staff is highly decorated with and ornate curved top piece.  As an artist and craftsmen I can't help but admire it and be appreciative of all the work that was put into ins creation.

1 comment:

Laurel Wood said...

Such a lovely Santa and the bear is adorable. Hope you both are staying warm.

Slow Moving.....

 It is a garden gift that keeps on giving. I place him in different places each season to have him brighten a spot in the garden.