Thursday, March 2, 2023


 Back in my young years, 1950s, the cafes of small towns all had this stoneware for dishes. Some were not decorated but most did have a pattern of some sort.  I collected them as a novelty of holding onto the past. I thought I had made up the word in the title and then I researched it. Antique cafeware and modern dishes are all on sale on the net.  My memories of the dishes were at the Murray Cafe in Murray, Iowa.  I was working as a farmhand and the farmer took us there for lunch.  We had roast beef with mash potatoes and gravy  on a long platter and a sepaarte bowl with green beans. The coffee cups were small so the waitress had to keep filling the coffee cups often.  The cups were heavy enough that the coffee did warm up the mug.  These four pieces are just a sampling of what I have in my collection.


roentare said...

Stoneware are special for me. Feels earthy to hold.

claude said...

First of all, your previous photo is beautiful.
I have old vaosselle that comes to me from my great-grandmother, and from my grandmother, from whom I inherited a 52-piece table service in earthenware from the city of Gien, very famous for this.
I collect old pots, large stoneware ones and small ones of all kinds, much to my husband's chagrin.
In France there is also a factory of porcelain objects, I have a small vase and a candlestick.

Rocks in a Row....

 I like to display rocks in my garden. Sometimes it doesn't make any sense why they are there and yet they do make a good natural decora...