Sunday, April 16, 2023

A Bookstore Visit.....

 Before covid hit we use to go to a bookstore every Saturday.  We went to one yesterday for the first time in months.  Sitting and sipping Starbucks coffee and searching magazines to buy is a good experience. The new arrangement of the shelves is strange and makes it easier for one person to block a whole gardening section without yielding a place for other browsers like me.  They took all their straight lines of shelves and put in cul de sacs everywhere.  It was still fun to get back to the bookstore at a very large mall where people are getting back to living life normally. It was a crowded mall.


roentare said...

There is something special holding the actual paper and smelling the lead

claude said...

Always very interesting the visit of a bookshop, we make beautiful discoveries there.
Pretty your roses!


 The sedum opens all the little flowers to create globes of color. The foliage is healthy this year and has a great contrasting green color ...