Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Outside in the snow......

As you can see the snow is here to stay.  I was out yesterday and filled the bird feeders.  I have a rabbit that likes to pick up the debris that the birds leave and I see him out there at night.

The rabbit trail that I created for our friendly furry beast.  As I am out working on the walkways, I can see the paths made by the rabbit all around our house.  He doesn't sink in too far and his tracks are so different than maybe a cat or dog would make.  I do need the path to the gate, but I thought it would help the rabbit to get to my backyard feeder.

This was a promising sight of the sun for a short time while  I was out shoveling.  The yew collects snow in an interesting way.


Sunny said...

I think you will have snow for a while longer. The sun is shining but it is very cold, I don't think we'll see grass until spring.
I really like your blue gate, especially with the white.
Sunny :)

The Retired One said...

Loved that last shot of the snow laden branch!

I left a message on your other blog, but I will repeat it here in case you didn't see it.
Stop by my blog today. I have something that might interest you...
And, if any other of your readers that love photography want to stop by, (at that would be great too!
Hope you consider entering in January!

Gigi Ann said...

Your pictures of the snow are lovely. I guess it will be a few weeks before the snow will be gone. I can't wait. In the meantime, I will enjoy your photos of snow.

OiseauBird said...

Hello ! How are you with so much snow ?
I am very with snow around you !!!
in Florida it is much warmer
Wonderful to you to fix birds'feedsers and making a path for rabbit
Happy New Year

claude said...

A lot of snow in your garden, Larry ! Not here.
Thanks for the news and hello from Vickie.

Charlotte Weychan said...

Wow, that's a lot of snow!! And we were complaining when we had a few inches a couple of weeks back! Happy New Year.

Far Side of Fifty said...

the Yew does collect it icing:)
