Friday, March 26, 2010

Fish Photos.....

I was going to take photos of my fish that are in their winter tank in the basement during the winter time when I didn't have so much to do.  I never did achieve that goal, so today while I was down there, I took along the camera.   Remember that this is just a temporary tank so is isn't a great setup.  When I was taking photos I could see stacked picture frames in the background and the mulitplug for the pumps and light.

The basement is not very well lighted and the fish light didn't help a lot so I placed an old desk lamp at the end of the aquarium and projected some wattage into the 55 gallon tank.  This is one of my koi.  He is seven inches long now.  I won't be able to put him outside for another month, but I am sure he will be glad to get into the large area.
I have a lot of abstract photos that I will be sharing along the  way.  I took 48 shots to get about 14 good pictures. 


Anonymous said...

Those are good shots, I like the first one.
It sure is hard to get a good fish photo, I know, from trying to get pics of mine.... there's the fact that they don't stay still, and the water, and the reflection through the glass too.... :)

The Retired One said...

The lighting makes the background dream-like!

OiseauBird said...

Do you have this fish in your house ?
I prefer very much birds and the cardinal so elegant.

L. D. said...

Yes, when you live in Iowa, fish have a very warming and fascinating addition to your life as the winters are long and cold. I use to have the large aquarium upstairs but now it is in use only in the winter in the basement and all fish go outside. Except I guess for the little guppy tank I sat up. I forgot about that one.

Delwyn said...

Hi Larry

Are the fish in the dark in the basement?

Where will they go when they are mature?

It is great to hear of your hobby

Happy days

Far Side of Fifty said...

I have never tried to photograph fish..I bet it takes lots of patience! You did great!:)

claude said...

A I took some pictures of my both fish in their aquarium and I want to make a video for a post.

GLOGIRLY said...

So we're dying to know... what does Yellow Kitty think of this fish? : ) I sure wish Glogirly would get me a fish of my own! hehe

Glogirly wants to thank you for stopping by her blog yesterday and leaving such a sweet comment about her dad. She was very touched by all the wonderful comments, hugs and purrs from our special blogging friends. (I took your advice, Larry, and gave her some extra love and purrs.)

(Glogirly's Cat)


  My wife’s cake looks so good. Me being a double diabetic it looks like a good way for me to pass out from extreme high blood sugar count.