Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A pretty picture.......

I took this a week or two back and it was buried in my August file.  I have one more pretty picture to show tomorrow as I don't want to not share them.  I tied up zinnias today with light string as the rains keep causing the outside edge of the patch to lean out in to the grass where I mow.  I don't want to mow them and I would like to maintain the shape of the planting area so I just tied them to each other.


claude said...

Pretty flower and pretty photo, Larry !

jennyfreckles said...

You're never short of a job when you have a garden - and what a beautiful garden yours must be.

Betsy Brock said...

I hate it when the heavy storms beat down the flowers! That always happens to my peonies just after they bloom! :(
