Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday's style...........

I have enjoyed these petunias  all summer.  They have been perfectly bad as a plant in a pot, but they have draped over the side in great bunches of color.  I have to be honest that the camera created this color of blue from a blue purple color.  It is a wonderful color.


Sunny said...

What a lovely contrast of colors. Sometimes cameras give us nice little surprises!
Have a great weekend, don't work to hard :)
☼ Sunny

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful photo Larry. I hope you have a very nice weekend.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

A perfect picture.

Betsy Brock said...

I love it! And your header is wonderful, too!

Prospero said...

Hi Larry. Some of my petunias actually made it through the summer. I was surprised.

claude said...

Beautiful ! I love the blue one !
Have a nice week-end, Larry !

Far Side of Fifty said...

Now that is a great blue color..the light must have been just right:)

Late Afternoon....

 Looking up the street at late afternoon one can see a subtle sunset. The clouds are faint but the color is great.  It is a snow melting day...