Monday, October 18, 2010

Swaziland Lion.........

We support a husband and wife, the Holte's, who are missionary workers in Swaziland. They live in a dangerous land and are doing wonderful work with Children Cup ministry. Children are getting one good meal a day, and a few hours of instruction to learn to read and write.

We had a meal with them a month ago when they were on a month furlough and this lion was a gift to us. We have other wooden sculptures from Africa but none that are this big.
Thanks for stopping by.............


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

That's a nice wood carving. We have some smaller wood carved animals and enjoy having them in our collection(s).

Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

Anonymous said...

I was just reading about Children's Cup Ministry and what it means for these children who live in mud and stick homes, many of them orpahans, to have a warm meal each day. It must have been awesome to share time with the Holte's and hear of their ministry there. It's a lovely sculpture and I know it is very special to you both.

Valerie said...

I'm a great fan of anything made from wood, in memory of my father who could turn wood into something quite wonderful.

OiseauBird said...

very beautiful sculpture , I love the wood carved lion
thank you for sharing

Dog with Person

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