Friday, March 4, 2011

March 3, 2009

This is a picture I took a few summers ago.  The coneflowers were having a great year.  The bridge was a freeby from a high school prom.  I had helped a lot in painting a wall of scenery for the prom and they gave me the bridge for my garden.  Instead of tearing it down or just throwing it away it was easier for them to dump it in my yard.  The evergreen trees are my babies that I grew from small fry to large Minnesota pines.  The tornado that went through town, snapped them both off at the base in less than seconds.

My first blog out two years ago yesterday that looked like this. The bridge has rotted out and I am in the process of dismantling it. It was made for a prom and not for being left outside in the weather.


Far Side of Fifty said...

I remember this photo..I love your bridge..and the stand of Coneflowers too. Gardens are always evolving and changing..something will take the place of the bridge:)

Sunny said...

This is such a lovely picture, it's too bad that the bridge didn't survive. Maybe you should build a replacement, haha!
☼ Sunny

claude said...

I love this kind of little bridges.
I should want my husband built one over the pond. Beautiful flowers and very nice picture.
Have a good week-end, Larry !

Valerie said...

Beautiful picture. 'Real' gardens are forever changing ... although I quite liked yours with the bridge on show.

Tuesday Morn....

   The evening shot at the top is almost the same as the morning shot. The earth continues to tilt and look at where the sun is hitting alre...