Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Taking photos.........I love it!

It is photo time at the Seibert reunion. Each family, representing the children or grandchildren of the Anna and John Seibert family, has to stand against a brick wall and be snapped by all the other members.  It really is a Norman Rockwell moment when you watch them. Myself and my wife and her brother are standing against the wall and everyone has snapped the shot they want.  Now look what happens. I took a shot of it from the wall.  Everyone has to discuss and investigate each other's shot. Digital technology has changed the entire world.


claude said...

I completely agree with you, Larry.
Digital technology has changed the entire world. Now, who has not his own digital camera.

Valerie said...

Interesting. Pity you didn't take a self-timed picture as well.

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone was having a good time!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Everyone looks to be having a great time. It is amazing being in a digital age.

