Monday, September 3, 2012


I  hung the feeder in the dining room window in order to capture a shot of a hummingbird.  They are actually feeding there this fall but I have yet to snap a shot with a hummer in the picture. I don't see why they can be fooled with the plastic shaped flowers but I guess color is their biggest draw to the sweet syrup.


Far Side of Fifty said...

They are attracted to the red. One day I had a red shirt on and they kept buzzing me. We do not feed them but there are lots of flowers around:)

Anonymous said...

Depending what color of shirt I wore at the old house, the hummers would get after me!!!
Since I commented on your post about not seeing many butterflies, I have seen and photographed two!!!

L. D. said...

Just you wait and see. In a few days I actually took some pictures of those little guys.


  My wife’s cake looks so good. Me being a double diabetic it looks like a good way for me to pass out from extreme high blood sugar count.