Monday, March 25, 2013

Sculptural Red Form.......

I promise to get out and get some new photos.  I had a busy week and weekend and it seems I am at the bottom of the barrel for new material.  I will work on that. The Thanksgiving cactus is at its last blooms.  A light flurry of snow that lasted 12 to 14 hours has given us a two inch coating of new snow. It isn't 13 inches like in St. Louis and it isn't 31 inches as in Minnesota.  The snow is a very crystalized snow and the ice underneath it made the streets bad to drive on this morning.


George said...

That red blossom is gorgeous against the white snow. Be careful if you go out to get pictures.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo, Larry. We had very strong wind last night/today and a few flurries but no accumulation. Where is spring????
Be careful driving.

Linda said...

So lovely, Larry!

claude said...

Mine has no flowers yet.
