Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Aging.........

The tornado that hit the town also did damage to this small windmill.  It never was the same and parts of it continue to fall off of it. The large flat piece of metal that made the whole thing turn into the wind has now fallen off of it. It sits there still as a statue with a reminder of the history of windmills in this country.


Anonymous said...

Awesome photo, Larry. God bless you both this weekend.

Patsy said...

Poor windmill!
Our knockout's have liked this wet cool summer we are having, but they grow well in any weather.

troutbirder said...

Not many of the old ones left here either. But hundreds and hundreds of the new giant modern ones....

Valerie said...

I'm wondering, how old is the windmill?

Hilary said...

The old ones sure are more attractive than what you see out there, these days but that's probably true of a good many things.
