Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Tree Grows In Woodward.........

I planted this tree about eleven years ago.  It is a redbud tree and I thought my father in law whose room looked out to the street needed a flowering tree to see in spring.  Little did I know that the redbud would become that large.  I see redbuds growing wild in timbers but they grow among grown trees that keep them shaded and apparently stunted.

I took a major load of branches off the tree last summer and it still is so big that one can't look out the window three of the seasons.  You can't really see the house either when driving by it.  I will crop it back some more when the saw is ready to go.  That is what gardener teachers tell you about when to prune, do it when the blade is sharp.

As an afterthought I looked through an album of 900 photos and I found this.  Spring is a long ways away from now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We've been trimming trees, grapevine growing rampant in the woods etc. this week. The mornings are nice but by noon the heat is still terrible. I don't think I've ever seen a red bud get as large as yours.
Those spring blossoms sure are pretty.
Hope you and your wife have a nice day.
