Saturday, April 5, 2014

Sparrows..........Black, Brown and white.

The simple sparrow is taken for granted.  There are many of them I know but they seem to be just as active in personality as all of the juncos and finches. They bicker among themselves when they want to fight for territory on the feeder and other times they are peaceful and and eat in groups.  I know that people tend to think there are too many of them but they do have their place. 

At my feeder there is a lot of seed tossed onto the area below. I see juncos and cardinals shuffle their feet to kick seed away that they choose not to eat.  When there is snow sparrows are down in the snow picking up the mess.  When it warms up enough to eat from the concrete patio they eat from there.   Right now my patio has been gleaned clean from any seed as if there were never ever any seed scattered on the ground. I thought I would have a real mess to get off of the patio but I don't have to worry about it.

The above picture shows the light snow we had from Thursday nights snow.  It was almost too small to measure and it melted away quickly.  This sparrow has great colors and their white underbelly is good looking when they fly by in flocks.


Cranberry Morning said...

I love any bird that will come to my backyard and to my feeders. Sparrows are among them. Such sweet birds. Okay, a bit of anthropomorphism, but...

Valerie said...

Keep showing the sparrows, Larry, it's the only chance I get to see them and it proves they're not yet extinct.

Antique Acorn.....