Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday's Blooms.......

My clematis is giving me a great showing of blooms with great subtle colors.   The storms didn't destroy the plant as the buds seemed to handle the beating.


Jeevan said...

Beautiful capture with them! Liked more the second one with pretty green leaves

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous; a color combo I have not seen before in a clematis.

Unknown said...

Would you please keep it between us that I love looking at pretty flowers? This wold surely get me kicked out of UMM (Union of Manly Men) if they ever hear about it. By the way, I would sure love to include your wife's "The Creative Spirit site in the upcoming Thinking of Christmas Gifts in July 2014 series, but she has the hated word verification thingy engaged. If she gets rid of it, please let me know.

claude said...

Wonderful !
Have a great week-end, Larry !

lark said...

Beautiful! Mine is a deep purple...

Valerie said...

Very nice. Clematis is a lovely climber... wish I still had mine.

L. D. said...

Jerry, the verification problem has been cleared. Sometime we don't even know that it is on there, but I know that I don't like them. Thanks for considering my wife's blog on your site.

Unknown said...

Thank you for letting me know, my dear Larry. The Creative Spirit has been put on the list to be included in the upcoming Thinking of Christmas Gifts in July 2014 series. Be assured that I will let you-all know which edition it is included in.

P.S.: When I went to get my wife's new site to going, I discovered that word verification engaged is now a default setting. So, it is one of those things that one must manually turn off if they do not want it. Rather sneaky of them--huh?
