Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cornfield, Iowa.......

I missed taking photos of the growth development of our neighboring corn fields most of the spring. The corn field on the hill is planted in a different direction so the tassels and view is different.  The field in the foreground is about five days later in progress. The bird did me a favor by flying in to the viewfinder and stayed for a while.  It helps to give you the perspective of the height of the corn.  It is watered well and growing tall. I think it is a robin.  The rhubarb plant on the left is a little wimpy but again adds to the size comparisons.


Valerie said...

It's a striking picture... I really like it. You were lucky to get the perspective laid out for you... clever bird.

Anonymous said...

Great photo.

A Colorful World said...

Oh, what an awesome cornfield! I like the added touch of the robin and the rhubarb!

claude said...

I have the same thing close my house, even with electric power wire.

lark said...

I long to live in a place like you...to have neighbours with cornfields! Looks so peaceful!


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