Thursday, July 3, 2014


The garden angel watches over the growing of the flowers and the weeds.  I have her standing on the pedestal that once held my blue gazing ball. I have not actively looked for a new gazing ball but figure it will pay to wait for the time when those things go on sale.  Hobby Lobby have the Christmas stuff up by the fourth of July and I probably should check there for a new one.  They tend to move their garden stuff out as quickly as possible.


Anonymous said...

That's a pretty angel. Yes, many of the stores are beginning to put out Autumn and Christmas. Maybe you will find a good deal on a gazing ball.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love your angel statue! My grazing ball broke last spring and I have yet to replace it. I need to get over to HL before they get Christmas out.

claude said...

Pretty garden angel. Really.

Valerie said...

She looks very smart. Whatever happened to your lovely gazing ball? Love the new header, Larry.

Antique Acorn.....