Sunday, August 17, 2014

Morning Mourning Doves...........

The sound of the birds was a different kind of call for me as they landed but I looked up and did see that they were mourning doves. I don't quite understand the behavior of their sitting up there on the insulators looking around but I guess they felt safe.


Anonymous said...

We often hear the mourning doves. Ours usually don't fly as high up as yours are!

Dan the Mountain Man said...

It is always interesting seeing birds sitting on the electrical wires. They seem so safe but if we touched the wires we wound not be as safe.

Jeevan said...

The sound of dove is considered as inauspicious here... Beautiful shot

Valerie said...

I never understand doves perching on chimney pots which they do even when folk have real fires. You got a good shot of them.

The Moon Shots.......

 My first early shot picked up some of the color. I don't manually adjust my camera so I don't get that orange ball.  This is the mo...