Thursday, March 5, 2015

Exploring Treasures.......

Treasures can be defined in many ways.  I find one persons treasure are somewhat worthless to others.  The emotional tie to them or memory of an event is what makes them a person's treasure.  The treasures here are my parents things.  I picked up boxes when clearing their house and sort them later at my home now 6 years later.  This is a check box that I found in the top drawer of their bathroom chest of drawers.  The box itself is sort of a dumping space for them.  I do that all the time dumping something into a container thinking I will figure out later where it should belong.

Here I found two stray photos that were of my mom's country school kids.  There is a stamp that was bought for three cents.  A pair of earrings, clip of course, and two pins. One of them is a scarf pin.  The necklace in the box is old and the photos are very old.  They were probably put there by my dad, as he must have bought them when he was stationed in Washington, D.C. back in 1942. I found a stray cloth bag that they must have been bought in as there is tourist like tags on it. He would dig out war time things to remember and leave them about the house. The small square box at the top right I will share later as I was surprised to see what I did find in it.  That is another blog at another place for sure.

As a photo, I noticed that the inside of the box is the most focused part of the photo.  The natural light from the window lighted its contents perfectly.  The things on the side on the right are partially lighted by an overhead incandescent set of bulbs.  It gives things a yellow overcast on the photos.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Treasures and light.

Linda said...

Great post, Larry, and I agree wholeheartedly. By the way, I love your header!

George said...

You've shared some wonderful treasures in this post. Your photo is a beautiful still life as well.

Anonymous said...

I love boxes of treasures like this. It's a lovely photo you have shared.

Valerie said...

A treasure box of memories... wonderful.

A Colorful World said...

I love old family treasures! This is a great photo with what I am sure are truly wonderful memories!
