Friday, August 7, 2015

Rose Bud........

I discovered a new thing about this rose bush that I never knew before now.  I have had the rose for many years and the past weeks I find that the buds look like small red roses.  When they spread open the petals turns to the pink color.  It is a pretty bud and the William Baffin rose turns into an old fashioned looking bloom when it matures. It probably isn't an unusual behavior for roses but sometimes things like this just don't get noticed.

It is a climbing rose and I have long stems that I need to deal with.  I may turn my garden shed into a trellis by designing some system of brackets attached to the shed to hold the canes. I guess I could make a big trellis the same size as the end of the shed.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting how dark the bud is. Sure is a pretty rose bush. We inherited a pink climbing rose at the Nalley Valley house. Originally it grew on a pine tree stump; we trained it over a trellis and took mother's photo with Harriet beside it on Mother's Day. It is one of my fav photos ever.

Karen said...

Very nice photos!! Grandma had a pink rose bush. I loved to pick a bouquet for the teacher

Valerie said...

It would look lovely creeping up your shed. Do let us see a picture of it when you get round to it.

Fern Leafed Peony...