Saturday, March 26, 2016

Sunrise City..........

I will never be able to move the sun into a better location in the photo as the house sits directly to the left.  I have to crop it out and make a badly balanced shot out of it everytime.  I did think that I should put a step ladder out there on the patio and leave it there for every morning's shot. I could climb up each time and get a better photo


Anonymous said...

A beautiful sunrise. I love seeing the flag. Back in Dec., we purchased a solar spotlight for the flag displayed on our home. Just last week, we realized we have had it set to "low." What a difference it makes now that we know to set it on high! Live and learn.

Valerie said...

Houses do get in the way when we need to do camera work.

Jeevan said...

Beautiful capture on rising moment and it isn't a bad sight/shot compare to no visibility of either sunrise or set here. To catch both the sights, we need to be go nearby beach or out of the city!
