Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Blue Bottle Review.....

I really did have a photo with the kitchen sink cropped out of the picture.  With my new system with google controlling my photos I keep having trouble getting the photos downloaded.  I download ok but not all of my pictures get selected and put in the google stash.  I am learning to live with it but where is the photo where I chopped that faucet off the bottom of the shot ? I really should not have to go back twice to be sure that all has made it to the intended file.  


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Beautiful blue bottles. I collect really old ones if I can find them reasonably cheap. I don't upload my photos to google, soo I can't help there. Of course google takes my photos after I upload them...and I can't figure out how to stop that. I guess they have to be stored somewhere.

Betsy Brock said...

Love the bottles! I have a collection of blue ones, too!

The Furry Gnome said...

Oh, I love that blue glass!

Anonymous said...

Love the blue bottles.

I have a few pieces of cranberry glass that John gave me shortly after we married. I got them out recently to display and enjoy.

Tall and Short....

 At four in the morning and one is walking the empty hallways, one never knows what the camera might shoot.