Sunday, March 5, 2017

A Sunday Shot.......

Mighty Mo was retrieved from the basement.  It will be one of the toys taken to the new home for the grandkids to enjoy.  I had to work hard to clean it up as it was still dirty from the last time it was played with by one of the boys. That had to be probably 30 years ago.  Once I started scrubbing I was glad that I made a decision to save it. The front wheels have a geared power device that can be used to get it to roll along on its own.


Karen said...

Yes, you have to keep this! They will enjoy it for years to come.

Anonymous said...

I remember this toy. Yours cleaned up nicely and I know AJ and Teddy will enjoy playing with their dad's truck.

Valerie said...

30 years worth of crime.... wow, hope it was easy to remove. Your grandsons should enjoy playing with it.

Jeevan said...

It looks pretty good and you cleaned well!
