Saturday, March 11, 2017

Green and White All Over........

This is a test to see how well the aloe will do in freezing temperatures.  So far I can see that it ins't bothered by it at all.  I have so many new starts of this that I will need to get rid of some of them. We had a light snow fall last night. Sunday it is predicted to be a  heavier amount.


Anonymous said...

Sure is a pretty plant. Hard to believe, but even our area is forecasting snow for Sun.!

Betsy Brock said...

What a pretty plant! I should get myself one! I'm surprised it isn't bothered by the cold! Amazing!

Dan the Mountain Man said...

I am settled in my house for the snow that is coming tonight. It is hard to believe it was in the 70s most of the week. I hope the flowers and plants that are already blooming make it through the cold weather okay.

Karen said...

Hope Spring gets there soon, and stays! Glad your aloe is doing well. I should get an aloe plant.

Jeevan said...

aloe seems to withstand any weather... like the little boy in snow :)

Unknown said...

Your neighbor could take some of that excess aloe plant off your hands!

Tuesday Morn....

   The evening shot at the top is almost the same as the morning shot. The earth continues to tilt and look at where the sun is hitting alre...