Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Iris Power.......

I checked in at the old house yesterday and collected some iris blooms from the garden. The vases were all at the new place so I found a bucket from the basement and put water in it.  The wind causes the iris to lean and lay on the ground so I just clipped a lot of them. Storms in that area last night probably put most of them now on the ground. The iris are looking in pretty good shape though and I will keep picking them as they bloom.


Dianna said...

I love that beautiful shade of blue in Iris. I have had a couple of those that have bloomed and passed on so far. Now the light yellow ones seem to be prevalent in the garden.

troutbirder said...

They are the perfect combination of beauty and delicacy except after bad storms. We got hit last though fortunately mine are a couple of days from blooming...:)

Anonymous said...

Such pretty flowers. I have been under the weather and trying to catch up with your posts today.

Architecture with Frosting....