Friday, May 31, 2019

A View of the Suburbs....

Having been a farm boy  I would never believe that I would someday live in a modern suburb. Living in the old place was really more living in the past as it was un older town with our 1900’s house. This area is almost fourteen years old now.

I had waited too long to mow my front yard and I had dead grass laying everywhere.  I mowed it again yesterday and used the grass catcher to clean it up. The guy to the south there has a perfect golf course yard which I will never be able to compete with.  He does have less yard in front as his lot is a wedge that fits with the forty five degree turn in the road.  I was going to  crop out everything but my yard but I think the whole view has more to tell as you look down the curve of the street.


Jeevan said...

Seems you live in a pretty neighbourhood and neatly mowed lawns in front of the houses... and pretty curvy streets. I remember in your previous house there was corn fields across the road right?

The Furry Gnome said...

Nice looking street you live on!

Laurel Wood said...

Your home/yard are beautiful. Those roses are in their prime right now. I especially like that you have a sidewalk thru the neighborhood.

CountryMum said...

The whole street looks so beautiful and tidy.

Fern Leafed Peony...