Thursday, June 6, 2019

Bloom of Beauty......

I was out with my wife planting some petunias.  I knew things were looking good at the row of peonies but I didn’t know they were do so well.  I have mentioned before that we had to springs in a row with drought.  I thought there was something wrong with the plants. Now I now that down pouring rains make the peonies bloom.  I will have to remember to water them next spring.  With two springs of drought the white one seemed to put out dried up buds.

The plant has proved me wrong.  I will have to bring in a bloom to get a good photo as white is hard to photograph in bright out door light.


Laurel Wood said...

Stunning blooms and photos.

claude said...

Wow ! Wonderful peony ! Pretty color !
I love your photo, Larry.
Mine are red and I would like to plant pink peonies together with my red ones.

Jeevan said...

Beautiful blooms
