Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Walled Historic Area....

This is the entrance to the Temple Mount area in Jerusalem.  The wall is very old and looks more like a Hollywood set than a surround wall to a holy site..  Once we walked in there we were directed to men and women lines to prove that we had not weapons or bombs. We were checked at so many airports all along the way, including Des Moines, Iowa as we the non-terrorists have to be punished for the bombings. I pulled out my laptop, camera, keys and cell phone automatically everywhere we went.  One lady, who was a nice lady, made fun of my first and middle name. 


Jeevan said...

The wall stood very stronger! Though we can't avoid the security checkup but checking at many places sounds stress.

Laurel Wood said...

Fascinating photo. It has been some 40 years since I've traveled. Things are so different now. Brother Larry is flying home from CA today. I'm sure it will take him a few days to adjust to the "minor" time change (compared to what you and Della were dealing with.)
