Sunday, February 5, 2023

Moo Cow.....


My two older brothers sort of liked me as a kid and yet it was trying to have a baby brother.  We got along fine and yet they didn't always know how to relate to a kid seven or eight years younger than them.  Once in a while they would get things and  would give them to me.  My older brother won a teddy bear at the fair and eventually gave it to me because he really couldn't keep it as it might make him look like a "sissy".  My brothers were in 4-H and showed cows or pigs at the local county fair.  This cow was apparently given away to people and my one brother gave it to me. I put it with my other farm animals even though it was a flat cow.  I think that there was writing on the base and that has worn off.  I had to do the math to figure out the small toy cow is now 66 years old.


Unknown said...

I have this exact cow.

roentare said...

Funny owning a cow toy is considered "sissy". Looks it is well made

Jeevan said...

Most elder siblings give away readily to the younger ones if they don't like a thing. But this cow looks cute, even if it is flat.


 I marked some hostas for a friend to let her know which ones she can get new starts from for har new garden spot.