Monday, July 13, 2009

Petunias in a pot.....

The colors are so rich. It has taken almost a month for these guys to root down. Sometimes I get frustrated with buying young plants that have been in the greenhouse too long. They come out of the pack root bound and sometimes when you pull some of that off you damage it and loose the plant. I know they want us to see flowers on them but it would be better if we bought them younger with no flower so they don't have to go through such a shock. We received an Easter lily in the clay pot from one of our three funerals. It was too crowded so they looked good for awhile then I had to get the bulbs out of there and get them into the ground.


claude said...

miss a white one to do blue white red the colors of our flog for our national Holiday.

The Retired One said...

We planted Easter lilies a few years ago that looked pretty damaged and sold for $1.00 a piece. All 5 of them are still growing every year!

Morning Clouds….

 The sun won’t be blocked by these clouds. I had to lean way over the end of the deck to get the sun in the shot. As the earth keeps tilting...