Sunday, October 4, 2009

Maple front, Maple back....

My four year old maple is growing strong and straight. No leaves have turned on it except this one leaf that has a tear. The tear must have set up the conditions that turned it red early. The rest of the tree is still very green.


Anonymous said...

I never noticed the red stems on maple all the way down. You have a pretty tree. I love to see a picture again of it when it all turns red.

L. D. said...

It is a variety of maple that I don't remember. There are a lot of them out there. The macro setting on the camera actually picks up more red than what is there but the stems really are a mahogany color with some red in it. My camera sometimes won't pick up red, depending on the light, and other times it picks up more red than is really there.

Gigi Ann said...

Very lovely red maple leaf. Maple trees are the most beautiful in fall.

OiseauBird said...

Front or back, these maple's leaves are lovely
in a fall's colors
Maple's leaves look like "platane"in France.
Nice shot !

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

Love this shot, I have a similar maple.. and there is a light red glow as I look out my office window at it now...

Sunny said...

There are a few trees like that around here, only a couple of leaves have changed on the entire tree...I'm sure the rest will catch up at some point.
Sunny :)

The Retired One said...

Love those red maples...and the trees that turn orange and peach colored, especially if they are next to dark green pines for contrast.

A Beauty….

A new bloom that was bought two years ago. It takes a while for them to establish. The company is in Oregon and our climate does allow them ...