I brought in an oxalis plant from outside and it sits in the kitchen next to the window. I don't know why the camera didn't want to take it clearly, I suspect the light was low. This still gave me an opportunity to have an abstract day.

I like how the oxalis plant closes up at night. It is a tough plant and if it doesn't like the inside weather, it will still retain it's life in the bulbs in the ground. I water it in the spring and it comes back.
Some of my best abstract pictures have resulted from out-of-focus accidents. Serendipity can be a creative force - as your pictures illustrate.
Beautiful pictures. The blues are so pretty in the background.
Oh this is so lovely with the blue glass. Sometimes wonderful things happen when we don't expect them.
Thanks for your visits, it's always a pleasure to read your comments.
Lest I forget, Happy Thanksgiving to you and you and your family.
Sunny :)
Gotta love those photographic accidents. Often the best shots. :)
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