Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday's Images

I was able to go out and stroll the garden to see what is left to see.  There are some nice textures out there to appreciate.


These apples turned out to be disappointing. I had to peel five to get one good one.  The great thing is that the squirrels are enjoying them. It is a comic situation to watch them try to take them back to their tree.  They walk on top of my fence, jump onto my house roof,  go to the other side and jump up into their silver maple tree.  I find a lot of them that they have drop out of their mouth while running the course.

The ornamental pear is still hanging onto it's leaves.  Some are still very green while the rest are changing from yellow, to red and to orange.


Alan Burnett said...

Yes we've had a bad year for apples this year too. Some years it just seems to go like that.

Michele said...

That's what I love about nature... their wonderful colors, textures, aromas... it's what attracts me to want to take long walks and absorb all what it has to offer. Autumn is the best with its ever changing colors... I cannot seem to get enough of its splendor! Your photos show that just perfectly.
Take care, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Still beautiful color in your pictures.
I would love to see that squirrel with the apple in it's mouth!

Les Barr said...

Yes, L.D. These are some colorful Image's. Apples like those I've tried to eat in the past, but just didn't care for them. Rather on the sour side and they did have some worms in them. YUK! I know deer like them and they don't care about the worms.

Also, thanks for your comment about my ole' swimmin' hole. I haven't been there in such a long time that I could barely recognize the ole' place, because it had changed so much. I truly do hate to see what has happened there with all the trash laying around. It looked like shit, to be rather blunt! I have passed it on many occasions traveling back and forth on the highway that is out of the pictures. Once in a while, during the Summer months, I glance down and see Mexican people swimming there. I don't think the local people of Hamburg go there anymore. I have no interest anymore. Like it was said. I choose to remember what it used to be many years ago.


Sunny said...

There is still a lot of beauty in the dreary days of Autumn. Love all the colors and textures.
Enjoy your day.
Sunny :)

Gigi Ann said...

The squirrel sounds like a sharp little rodent. I can just picture him in my mind climbing around with an apple in his mouth. What a cute picture that would be.

Valerie said...

My apple trees no longer produce decent fruit but the wild life gets plenty of nourishment. I like the ornamental pear, it's nice to see the different colour changes on it's leaves. Very pretty.

Anonymous said...

simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

Prospero said...

Nice color on the ornamental pear. Squirrels, Larry, are so entertaining - another accident of nature.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I think in order to get good apples you have to spray them often..people with some success with apples have a real schedule of sprays etc.. I have never had good luck..but my daughter had the variety 'Hazen' Little dwarf trees covered in apples that I made delicious apple crisp with:)

Red and Green...