Sunday, November 22, 2009

A box of memories......

I finally brought this box home from my parents place.  It hasn't been dealt with yet but I am anxious to dig in to see what I can do to clean these things. I know that there are two older locomotives in here. One hasn't worked for years, it was my older brothers' train. The other locomotive belonged to my brother and me when we received it from Santa together back in 1957.  It  worked back then and I hope I can get it back to working now.  One other train, that I didn't know my folks still had was an old metal train, that had a wind-up locomotive.  It was a cheap think that ran on a small circle track. I see the front face of that is gone and a set of wheels on the caboose is gone, but I thought the whole thing had been thrown away.  I see from the picture that there are old tinker toys in there and a few plastic farm animals.  The cloth was thrown in and I think that is from France, that my Dad had sent to my mom, a handkerchief, during the war.
Maybe tomorrow I can start to dig in and clean some of these things.  Right now it looks like a mess ready for a remedy.


Valerie said...

A nice project, Larry. Do we get to see the finished produce.

Sunny said...

This looks like a box of treasures, such fun to go through.
On a different subject...Susan Boyle's debut CD is out tomorrow and she is scheduled to be on the Today Show.
Enjoy your day and thanks for stopping by.
Sunny :)

Anonymous said...

Oh what great memories are in there. Unfornately I do not have any toys left from my childhood. They were just all thrown away so treasure them for sure.

Alan Burnett said...

I love boxes like this. Bring the items out one by one and let's have a careful look at each.

Hilary said...

It looks like kind of a beautiful mess to me.. one which holds fond memoires.

Les Barr said...

I agree with all above. That's a great box of memories to root thru and remember your childhood years.

In 1957 I was a whole 10 yrs. old! I remember trains like that. My Mother did buy some of them that were wind up. Seem to remember a "key" that was on the side of the engine. Nothing like that exists for me anymore. They have all gone. I, either took them apart to see how they work, or my Cousin's broke them. A long time ago. The only thing I have left is my ole' Toybox that was built by my Grandfather back in 1948. It sits here to this day. I hang on to it. What I should do is place a Post about it sometime.


Gigi Ann said...

Oh, that is so cool. The only thing I have from years ago is a Cinderella Watch my sister gave me when I was 12 years old. I don't know how in the world I kept it all these years. But, I am so glad I did. It was the first watch I ever had, maybe that is why I hung onto it. Of course it no longer works, just something sentimental to me.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Far Guy and I enjoyed looking at your treasures! We are real interested in seeing the cleaned up version..the object that is silver and up in the right corner has us very curious.. great stuff!! :)

Mourning Dove...