Friday, November 20, 2009

Barberry Shrub......

I took this photo about a month ago of my barberry bush.  It really has quite a nice pattern of various colors. On the color wheel that would be called an analogous color scheme.  When I was a kid, we had these bushes at the school in the yard.  The students would play around them in spite of the  thorns and every fall everyone would throw the little berries at each other.  They were so trampled out that they didn't really look like a very nice shrub.


Alan Burnett said...

The different coloured leaves make lovely patterns.

Anonymous said...

Your barberry picture is so pretty-
they do have a lot of thorns I have one by my power meter!

Sunny said...

All the various shades are really pretty. It looks almost like a painting.
Sunny :)

claude said...

Very beautiful bush. It has so pretty colors.
Have a nice week-end, Larry !

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

That would keep the pups out of the garden! I have an invisible fence now, as they would trample everything if they could go in there to chase the birds and little furry things like squirrels.

The colors were perfect, I imagine the leaves have been falling off since then.

Mourning Dove...