Thursday, November 19, 2009

A thing of beauty.....

A photo of the rosebush that I  moved from southern Iowa to our home.  It has been in the ground over a week now and the weather has held out good to give it a chance to root.  I will cover with leaves soon and hope to see it bloom next year.  A thing of beauty I share with you today.


Jimmy said...

I do hope that rose makes it for you .

claude said...

Thank you, Larry, Your roses are so beautiful.
Pretty color.

Alan Burnett said...

A thing of beauty indeed. Thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

Soft as a rose pedal- they are very pretty.

Sunny said... a joy forever. What a lovely rose, delicate and the color is so pretty. I hope it does well.
Sunny :)

Elizabeth McCrindle said...

Roses can be such hard work......but worth it :) Lovely photo

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hi Larry, Glad you got it in the ground! If the weather holds for another week you should be home free and blooming great next summer! The leaves will help to keep the ground warmer. It is a beautiful rose:)

Prospero said...

Nice picture, Larry.

GLOGIRLY said...

Beautiful, Larry!
Such soft lighting and vivid color.
I hope your plant makes it over the winter.

Glogirly & Katie

Mourning Dove...