Ships come arrive to the harbor at Duluth, Minnesota at a very regular pace all spring through fall. They are coming from foreign countries as well as American companies of the larger cities to pick up goods. The route from the ocean starts by going through New York, and they head through the various great lakes to get to almost the middle of the United States. We ship out iron ore, grain, wood, coal and various other products.
The Marine Museum at the Canal Park is the hub of everything that helps to give out information as to what ships are coming and going. A scheduled ship may be early and you can see it sitting out there waiting for it's scheduled arrival.
I ran across a parking lot to get this photo as I didn't know it was passing through. We had return from a drive and I was parking the car and I heard the horns sound that it was coming. Fortunately the camera can stop the motion of the boat and of me moving and panting at the same time. I really like the stripes on the stacks. I assume this is an ore boat as it has those elevator forms on the top of the boat that swing out to bring the ore onto the boat.
Wonderfully instructive post. I had never realised just how far into the interior you could get by boat until I looked up Duluth on the map. Fascinating.
Thank you for this post, I could sit and watch boats all day.
Very interesting, something I didn't know.
I never realized that Duluth could handle ships that size. I've learned something new today!
Great picture!
Sunny :)
I like the Paint scheme, also. That must be one heck of a large freighter. Her Flag shows she's from the USA. Would like to see those huge ships come in and out from all over the world. Thanks for sharing.
We've been there many times, but only a couple did we actually catch one of the big ships passing through. It's quite a thrill! The pictures never do them justice... they are just larger than life! My husband loves shooting them and would do just about anything to get an inside tour!
Great shot!
Yes, I have seen ships come in from Yugoslavia. The size is overwhelming at two football fields long or more. They are required to come in at a very slow rate as one of those guys could take out the entire entrance to the harbor very quickly.
We get some of the same ore boats that Duluth does in at our ore docks in Marquette, Michigan. It is always so neat to see them come and go...
Wow some big boats -I also didn't know the ships came that far in. We have traveled up north and seen many of these passing through our great lakes.
I love to watch the ships come in. I spent some time a few years back in a hotel room..with a great view of the waterfront at Duluth..It was like watching a movie! I was entertained nearly all day right out the window..good thing I don't live there...but maybe it is all ho hum for them:)
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