Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The four boys.....

that was what we were always called.

My mother took this picture sometime in the fall of 1955. I guess I think that is the age as I remember the maroon hat that is in my hand. We moved to this farm in 1953. It had a large wood furnace in it which my dad had to keep stoked all winter to keep us warm. The last thing he did at night before going to bed was throw the last wood on the fire. Of course by early morning, that wood was burned down and the house was cold. Dad would stir the coals and get it started up the next morning. One big vent in the floor was between the kitchen and living room and the heat just rose up into the rooms and up to the three bedrooms. It actually heated badly as heat doesn't move sideways, so on really cold days the chairs were all pushed up around the heat vent in the floor.

Yes, you want to know about the boys sitting on the wood pile. I was the youngest and I am sitting by my brother Dwight. He was three years older than me. Behind me those cute smiling big brothers are Rex on the left and Ron on the right. Rex is the next to the oldest, seven years older than me and Ron the oldest is eight years older than me. Ron and Rex were born before World War 2 and the front row guys were born after the war. Figure that out! So if I figured that out correctly, it goes 5, 8,12 and 13. Rex always seemws to be the biggest of all of us four but Dwight next to me ended up being the tallest. I think Dwight had torn that pant leg of his bib overalls, so that is why it looks flared. I can remember when that picture was taken.

I would love to show you the after picture, but it just isn't going to happen. The four of us were photographed together the day of my mom's funeral over a year ago. My mom was always doing that, since she wasn't there any more, I really didn't want to do it. I dreaded that picture for some reason, and now I know why. Dwight died less that three months later in his sleep from many different causes. I blogged about that back last April on my Larry's Creative Zone, so if you want to know more, it is there. I just found that when my oldest brother Ron, who is now 67 years old, emailed me this photo, it was sweet to see that picture again. I like to remember us then.

Rex lives in Yorba Linda, California and Ron is in Mesa, Arizona. I will see them less now than ever as Mom and Dwight are gone.

Photo of the day, is by Zella M. Burgus, my mom, 1919-2008.


Jimmy said...

What wonderful memories you must have. Also, you are one who stayed home.

Anonymous said...

You guys were some cute and happy looking little boys. The story was great, I was wondering about that flared pant leg too.
I am sorry to hear about Dwight, it must be sad to lose one of the four.

Sunny said...

My husband is oldest of five sons and his Mom always referred to them as the five boys. I can only imagine growing up in a large family as I was an only child.
Your picture is a real treasure to remind you of childhood memories. Thanks for sharing.
Sunny :)

L. D. said...

Yes, I was the one who stayed home. My brother Dwight came home to live with my parents late in his life because of his personal problems. I think my being a teacher and the things that go on in your life cause you to move or not move. I stayed 31 years in the same school so I never left Iowa.

The Retired One said...

I love looking at old photos of our family, too..but it always brings sad nostalgia.
I look at myself as a child and immediately I want to author a letter to her to tell her what to do and not to do in the future....and I want to assure her that everything will be fine when she grows up...just relax! But she doesn't hear me.

Gigi Ann said...

I have been busy the last two days and just got around to reading your blog today. I love the picture of you four boys. I know what you mean about looking at the picture taken a year ago. I have five sisters and two brothers. Our one sister died 6 years ago, so when I see the pictures of all of us, I miss her. But, I am also very glad for the pictures, I have of her.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Your old photograph is wonderful Larry. What wonderful memories you must have of four brothers growing up in simpler times! Thanks for sharing it:)

Tuesday Morn....

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