Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas is coming......

A jittery start to the Christmas season for me, but I am looking forward to it.  I have a tree in the basement that I am thinking about throwing away, but who throws away Christmas trees?  I snapped this shot while I was down there taking photos of the fish in the downstairs aquarium. It is a very small tree and I want to salvage the glass decorations off of it for recycle. I liked how it looked as you can see it didn't focus.  But color is a great thing to absorb and appreciate.


Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

You DO have a lovely blog...just like Katie at Glogirly said!

Anonymous said...

It's so pretty -looks like a painting.

Alan Burnett said...

Serendipity works in mysterious and wonderful ways. Great shot.

Sunny said...

Very cool affect, it really makes the red stand out and after a couple glasses of wine, my tree looks just like that! Ha-ha!
Sunny :)

Valerie said...

It might be out of focus but I thought it had a mystical look about it.

Snow Falling Today.....