Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lakeshore on Landscape......

When I sold this pastel painting a year ago, I immediately took it outside to photograph it.  It is nice to keep a portfolio of the work you have done.  This is a pastel painting that I did while sitting along the beach of Lake Superior, near Split Rock Lighthouse.  When I started painting it, my approach was a lot like the ways that I was taught to approach drawing, back in my college days.  The things that have changed since then as I have learned so much more about discerning color and texture.
Doesn't all that green in the background look good.  I miss summer already.


Sunny said...

You are quite the talented artist! I like the contrast of colors and subjects.
I miss summer too!
Sunny :)

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Nice pastel, Larry. It reminds me of this one artist that I met, who has an art studio in Greenport. He was know as the artist who painted rocks. After all, the north shore here is rocky.
Yes, I too also miss summer already!
Thank God for Christmas and the celebration of the Christ child this time of year!

Anonymous said...

The painting is really pretty with the different color rocks and sticks on top.
I'm like you I really miss the green in the background.

Gigi Ann said...

I think it is great when someone can set down and paint lovely pictures, and your painting is wonderful and beautiful. Who would have thought that rocks could make such a lovely picture.

And don't even talk about summer, I am missing it way to much and it's to long to wait for it.

GLOGIRLY said...

Hey there Larry!

I've given you a super cool, awesomely fabulous award. Swing by my blog to check it out!

(Glogirly's cat)

claude said...

Hello Lary ! I'm back.
Your are very talented in painting and in shoting it for mermory.

Prospero said...

You are multi-talented, Larry. Congratulations on a lovely painting.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You are so talented!! I too miss that green of summer..our brown is turning white..:)

The Retired One said...

A beautiful piece, may have learned more after doing that piece, but I love it just the way it is!

Taking Flight....

 Paper cranes float in a mobile circling around each other. The are stiff looking and yet seem to be light and airy in design.