Monday, January 4, 2010

Different Views.......

Out of frustration, I will just start enjoying my mistakes and photoshop decorate them and move on.  I am sure that I am smarter than the camera, but at this point, I am not.

I know that I need to know about and observe more of my lighting conditions and adjust towards that, but I do like to just shoot and see what happens.  I like both of these photos but I know I couldn't achieve that affect if I wanted to do it. I was reading the other day at the bookstore that digital cameras actually read heat off of a color.  Yes, color has a visual heat quality and the digital camera is designed to read them and interpret it into a visual for us.  I talk about red a lot and how it doesn't read well with my camera.  But I enjoy my Nikon point and shoot and I will just move on with the process. I will continue on and just explore.  Someday, I will buy the next step or two up from what I have for now but that is another time in life.


The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

Larry.. I enjoy these kind of interesting shots as well.
I had the Nikon point and shoot D100, and took it back to Costco and got the Nikon DSLR 5000..

Man I have so much to learn, and I have had it for 6 months or more!

I just bought a book off Amazon, just to learn to use this model Nikon!

Stay warm :)

L. D. said...

I see different books for sale at the bookstore, and they have one for each model. I bought my point and shoot because I wanted to stay out of the way of my wife who also uses our good camera. I find my quality is good enough on a casual basis but I am reaching a point that I could have more control.

Anonymous said...

I like the second shot. :)

Anonymous said...

There is a lot to learn in photography. I have no idea how long you have been at it or what you consider your skill level to be, but I see photos that look for all the world to be out of focus. It looks like you laid a model train engine on the carpet and tried to make a close up of it or a macro. I suspect you didn't use a tripod.

What you have I began in 1953 in Japan. And it was all black and white film at first and I learned how to develop the film and make prints. I wish we had digital back then. It would have made life a lot easier.

L. D. said...

No tripod and I know that when it is messing with me that I don't have enough light and I need to adjust my distance. I get so spastic, that I don't want to take the time to shoot so many shots. I did take shots today of a couple of little paintings today and I did experiment until I got them into focus. I have found that the sensor that is sent out in Macro sometimes is absorbed by the texture of the object so it won't set itself correctly.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You just have to keep playing with the camera Larry..I rather like the artsy look of these..your photography has improved with this camera! Sometimes I get so excited to take a photo that I don't take the time to focus and breathe out..because I just can't wait to capture the moment..especially with wildlife. Tonite I wanted to get a few photos of a few ornaments..and I think you are correct about a sensor. I had a little twisted metal heart..all setting was macro..but it just did not want to focus..even using the tripod. Finally I got two good shots after taking about ten..thank goodness for digital!! Mt camera is not fancy, and most of the time I use the automatic setting...I need to read the entire manual and fool around with some of the other settings too. Keep on, keeping on!! :)


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...