Saturday, January 2, 2010

Silent Sunday....starry heart delight

I hope all of you are safe and warm and the glow never goes out.


Vivian aka Deborah said...

How sweet! Thank you, Larry....this looks like a heart.....pretty!
Happy New year!

Jimmy said...

Larry, it is 16 degrees here in NC. I can only imagine what it is like where you are. Stay warm!

Sunny said...

You can't help but feel warm looking at your lovely picture.
It's been snowing on and off since yesterday, very windy, bitterly cold.
If I'm repeating myself, I apologize...old age setting in!
Sunny :)

The Retired One said...

Love the blurry twinkle in this one!

GLOGIRLY said...

I hope our "Glo's" never go out either!
Beautiful photo, Larry. Magical.

Stay warm!
Glogirly & Katie

Far Side of Fifty said...

Love the color..glowing!! :)


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...